Tuesday, 25 March, 2025
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Privacy Policy

1. General Provisions
The following regulates the procedure, terms and conditions of registration, employment and usage of the “Spokesperson” (hereinafter referred to as conditions).
The “Spokesperson” section is a web environment that allows its visitors to create their own web environment, publish articles, views, short massages, reviews, to discuss them with other users, to publish photos, videos, links, and advertisement banners, to promote posts and perform other prescribed and permitted activities (hereinafter posts). The registration and usage of a personal page or a page for an organization (state-owned/private) in the section “Spokesperson” (hereinafter “Spokesperson”) is free of any charges (with the exception of promotion of posts and placement of advertising banners).

The registering in the section of “Spokesperson” means creation of a “Spokesperson”.
After filling in the necessary information for the registration you will be sent a link for activation on your email, with the help of which you can activate your “Spokesperson”.
While registering in “Spokesperson”, you need:
1.1 To fill in reliable, precise information and to update it if there occur any changes.
1.2 Do not register in “Spokesperson” on behalf of another person, without that person's proper authorization.
1.3 Not to tell your password to another person for the security considerations, as well as not to let unauthorized persons to have access to your own “Spokesperson”.

While registering in “Spokesperson”, your nickname or avatar should fully comply with the code of ethics stated in these conditions.
In case of any failure to comply with these rules, the moderator (s) of “Spokesperson” is authorized to refuse / remove / block your registration in its sole discretion.

2. Code of ethics and rules
It is forbidden in “Spokesperson” to discuss the themes and/or create and publish messages and/or announcements and/or graphics, video and photo images or other content, and place or disseminate any other posts or perform any other activity, that:
2.1 Contradict to the requirements of the RA Legislation,
2.2 Incite people to violence and aggression, compromise and violate accepted norms of morality, call for performing activities threatening human life, health and security,
2.3 Contain texts, advertisements, illustrations and coverage, videos, photos, music or sound effects or any other means that pursue the goal of misleading people,
2.4 Disturb public order, global and national moral norms,
2.5 Contain offensive statements towards other people and users, unacceptable comparisons and images on such themes as racial, national, professional, social, ethnic, religious and spiritual identity, age and language,
2.6 Directly or indirectly discredit state symbols (emblem, flag, anthem and national currency, etc.) or show disrespect towards them,
2.7 Discredit legal and physical entities, including political and cultural figures, industrial, commercial and other activities, put discriminatory distinction between professions and so on,
2.8 Contain provocations aimed at revolution or anti-constitutional actions,
2.9 Are being used for dissemination of state or other secrets prescribed by Law,
2.10 Call for military operations, committing crimes or any other activities prohibited by Law,
2.11 Are being used for dissemination of pornography, erotica, horror scenes and other materials endangering juvenile's education and development including posting links of websites containing the following materials,
2.12 Advocate smoking, alcoholism, drugs and drug addiction, trafficking and kidnapping,
2.13 Advocate multi-level and/or network marketing; contain advertising of any product or service, counter advertisement, any type of message including any material that may be interpreted as campaign or political advertising,
2.14 Send unsolicited messages to other users of “Spokesperson”,
2.15 Advocate ethnic hatred, racism, intolerance, Antisemitism, nationalism, fascism, separatist or terrorist actions and so on,
2.16 Violate the right of intellectual property of third parties; contain any kind of non-normative vocabulary, any words or phrases containing negative meaning (even disguised or used figuratively) offending, slandering, or otherwise relating to users of “Spokesperson”, administrators, moderators and right-holders,
2.17 Disseminate personal information of the users of “Spokesperson” and third parties (including but not limited to name, surname, address, phone number and so on),
2.18 Collect information on other users with the help of network automated means, including content posted by them,
2.19 Modify the interface of the “Spokesperson”, adding signs distorting the outer design or inscriptions,
2.20 Distort or ridicule brands, trademarks, products and services of other companies,
2.21 Contradict to human rights and the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia,
2.22 Contain any kind of malicious software, code or part of a code, create additional workload on the web that may disrupt or hinder the normal operation of MAMUL.am and/or Spokesperson, cause damage to users and so on.

It is forbidden to publish or place or disseminate announcements and/or messages and/or posts and/or content or other make other activities that contradict to the objective of creating the “Spokesperson” by their nature or relate to themes and issues which are out the scope and objective of the “Spokesperson”.

You register in “Spokesperson” exclusively by your own decision or the decision of the Organization (authorized person, council) and MAMUL.am news agency shall not be liable for the damage caused by your or third parties’ activities or inactivity and prosecuting you by authorized bodies for the following activities or inactivity in accordance with the RA current Legislation.

3. Moderation (regulation)
The moderation of “Spokesperson” is implemented by the moderator(s) of MAMUL.am news agency. The moderator has an exclusive jurisdiction to decide the compliance of Your or third person’s activities or inactivity with the following conditions and has a right to remove / block posts or your “Spokesperson” without having you previously learned about it. You are eligible to ask the moderator to explain the reason of removal via e-mail. In any case, you accept that the backup copies of information blocked or deleted by you or your moderator are kept in the system of “Spokesperson” and are nor visible or available for you and other users.

4. Privacy Policy & Security

You hereby agree and confirm that during registration in the «Spokesperson» the personal information provided by you, including first and last names, phone number, age, the information about the organization (including logo, brand, banking requisites, the taxpayer identification number (TIN), etc.) and others can be seen in the account of any user or outside the account without any limits and used for purposes not prohibited by Law, as well as for «Spokesperson» and for purposes of the following conditions. You hereby agree that our systems register all the steps done in the «Spokesperson» (sending and receiving messages, comments and any type of correspondence of the people and organizations that you are subscribed or that are subscribed to you, installation of photos and videos, each of Your entry with the exact mentioning of the date and time of Your visit), as well as any post edited, blocked and/or deleted by You will be saved in our system and in the case of necessity will be used according to the following conditions. If You post such information that is considered Intellectual Property, You give MAMUL.am news agency a permission to use this information within the frames of «Spokesperson» and the following conditions. This permission also applies to the case when You provide this information to other users and they keep it in their «Spokesperson».

All the posts in «Spokesperson» are subject to public display, presentation and dissemination in social networks and search engines, may be displayed in the main page of MAMUL.am news agency and in its inner pages and is out of the realm of privacy policy applied by You, it s a public content and is available to the registered/non/registered users of MAMUL.am news agency. Besides, for having the oppurtunity to use the service without any charge and disseminating Your posts among the users of MAMUL.am news agency You agree that Your publications, notes, presentations and comments may be promoted/advertised or ads may be placed in any segment used for presentations. You hereby agree to the placement of the information mentioned in the following paragraph and the dissemination of it in the MAMUL.am new agency. No means of security and privacy protection is perfect and may not protect Your private page of “Spokesperson” from illegal or unwanted infiltration thoroughly. MAMUL.am guarantees to exert its utmost efforts to ensure maximum safety and security of “Spokesperson” and the confidentiality of personal data except for cases prescribed by Law and in case of necessity of handing the data by MAMUL.am news agency to the relevant competent authorities.

MAMUL.am is not responsible for the privacy and security of information that You place in Your «Spokesperson», exchange it with other users and third parties.
Exchange of information with third parties (including juvenile) or any other action is considered done by You. You are exclusively the only one to bare the responsibility for publication or placement of information about You by third parties with the exception of the cases when illegal penetration to Your “Spokesperson” or other action has been done.
All the posts published in “Spokesperson” that are copied from other source and are subject to Law on copyright, or the provisions of the RA Law on Media, should have a compulsory hyper reference according to the RA legislation.

You bare the responsibility in case of any demand, complaint or dispute by the third parties concerning Your posts or actions in «Spokesperson» and You take the responsibility to settle the dispute with Your own resources. MAMUL.am news agency does not take responsibility for the action of third parties, the content of the published post, the violations of copyright Law and provisions of the RA Law on Media and You agree to prevent MAMUL.am from disputes arising with third parties. When using the links of other websites in «Spokesperson», You should take into account that MAMUL.am does not guarantee the security and safety of these websites. The only one that is responsible for the consequences rising as a result of Your visits to such websites is You.

5. Other
MAMUL.am news agency is the exclusive right holder of “Spokesperson” (organization, to which the “Spokesperson” belongs).

Based on the security principles and Your private interests and in order to prevent registrations with malicious purposes on behalf of You or Your organization, MAMUL.am news agency has a right to establish contact with the registered company, individuals or any person registered in “Spokesperson” to find out whether the very person has registered in “Spokesperson” and whether it is run by that person or the person authorized by him.

Any unauthorized use of the content of «Spokesperson» or MAMUL.am news agency will be considered as a breach of the Legislation and You will be held responsible according to the RA Legislation.

MAMUL.am news agency has the right to change the provisions of the following terms and conditions from time to time without informing you in advance, which will enter into force after being published in the “Spokesperson” or as will be defined by MAMUL.am. Continuing to use the “Spokesperson” You give Your consent to the adoption of the changes.

The use of the Internet and its content is implemented exclusively by Your decision and initiative and shall comply with all applicable local and international laws, legal acts and norms.

We will take reasonable measures to ensure the smooth operation of the “Spokesperson”, but, nevertheless, MAMUL.am does not take responsibility existing / emerging or ongoing problems and defects and the consequences arising as result of them.

If You have violated any of the provisions in the following conditions or do not agree with these conditions MAMUL.am has the right to refuse in its sole discretion the further implementation of the “Spokesperson” registration or the further use of “Spokesperson” by You and/or already existing “Spokesperson” registered by You.

By registering in the “Spokesperson” section of MAMUL.am news agency, You accept that You have acquainted with these conditions, accept and agree with them, as well as You certify that You have not been convicted of computer crimes previously.

By accepting the following conditions, You guarantee that You have all the rights and competences that are necessary and sufficient for registering in the “Spokesperson” section and using it.

By accepting the following conditions, it is assumed that You agree to receive announcements of general nature by the moderator of the “Spokesperson”.

During the relations arising in the frames of the “Spokesperson” the RA Legislation is applied and during any disputes the courts of the Republic of Armenia are considered as authorized.

The following conditions are made in Armenian. Later, in the case of publication of these very conditions in any other languages the preference is given to the Armenian version in the case of discrepancies and contradictions.

6. Responsibility
The responsibility for the disregard of these conditions or avoidance of the implementation of them as well as the consequences arising out this neglect bears exclusively :
1. The person, registered as an individual (if the person is registered with a nickname, then the responsibility bears the person, with the e-mail of whom the page in «Spokesperson» is registered),
2. The organization, the head board of the organization with the name of whom the page in «Spokesperson» is registered and/or the person who is authorized to create and/or run the page or the organization or the owner of the e-mail, which was used during the registration of the given company.
7. Data collection, processing, use, deletion
1) Website give you possibility to insert your name, surname, telephone number, age, company details and email in your personal account.
2) We are not using your information for any advartsing or another purpose․ You submiting your personal information so that your readers can recognize you and be able to contact you.
3) You can delete your submited information from your personal account every time yourselfe, and the website will not collect or save any information wich you deleted.