Apple debuts iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus (photo, video)
NASA’s LRO Observes Crater Likely from Luna 25 Impact (photo)
Tesla may partner with Samsung for the autonomous driving chips for upcoming EVs
Apple was testing an orange iPhone 15, but these are probably the final colors (video)
Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft crashes into Moon (video)
Elon Musk: Time to say goodbye to Twitter logo
Future iPhones might have an easily replaceable battery due to new EU law
Is Microsoft Moving its AI Talent Out of China?
Man spends 93 days at the bottom of the Atlantic - now he's 10 years younger (photo)
In a First, Caltech's Space Solar Power Demonstrator Wirelessly Transmits Power in Space (photo, video)
#SpaceX launch 22 Starlink 'V2 mini' satellites into orbit, lands rocket at sea (video)
China bans Micron’s products from key infrastructure over security risk
SpaceX launches 3 satellites to orbit on 6th-ever Falcon Heavy mission (video)
Robots shared stage with models in Paris (video)
UAE, Israel unveil joint naval vessel as military ties grow (photo, video)
Apple Releases iOS 16.3 With Security Keys for Apple ID, New HomePod Support, Bug Fixes and More (video)
F-35: The World’s Best Fighter? Hell Yes
Twitter Is Offering Free Ads to Bring Advertisers Back
A partial solar eclipse has started in Europe (video)
iPhone 14 vs iPhone 14 Plus: here's how they compare (photo, video)
New Apple Leak Reveals iPhone 14 Release Surprise
AirPods Pro 2 to be unveiled during iPhone 14 event (photo)
Why NASA wants to return to the moon before sending humans to Mars
Scientists create world’s first ‘synthetic embryos’ (photo)
First image from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope reveals thousands of galaxies in stunning detail (photo)
NASA’s CAPSTONE Mission Launches to the Moon
Apple announces the new iPhone SE: a powerful smartphone in an iconic design (photo)
US doctors transplant full, live pig heart into human patient (photo)
Japanese created the "flying" seismosteady houses (photo)
A dinosaur embryo has been found inside a fossilized egg. Here's what that means. (photo)