Pavel Durov began collaborating with French intelligence services, disclosing information about Telegram channels
921 Thursday, 12 September, 2024, 21:00 Telegram, which has long resisted court requests and been criticized for refusing to provide data, has suddenly changed its stance. The move comes shortly after its founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 24. The platform reportedly began sharing information about suspects, including in cases involving pedocriminals. In recent years, Telegram has been criticized by authorities in various countries, including France, for refusing to cooperate with law enforcement during investigations. However, according to the French press, this approach changed immediately after Durov’s arrest. During police investigations, the messenger provided data that could help identify the suspects. Particular attention is paid to cases related to pedocriminals, where Telegram previously refused to provide information, citing privacy policy. However, since the arrest of the company's founder, the situation has changed. Jeanne Brousse, head of the cybercrime department at the Paris prosecutor's office, noted that "the door has really started to open." She confirmed that the messenger has begun to respond to requests from law enforcement agencies, which was an unexpected turn in its policy. This change by Telegram has already attracted the attention of not only the French authorities, but also other countries. The Federal Prosecutor's Office of Belgium has also confirmed that in recent weeks there has been a trend towards closer cooperation between Telegram and the judiciary. |
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